03 April, 2022
Song of the Day: Shores of Botany Bay - The Irish Rovers
Hashtables are the best.
I spent today trying to catch up on the Java HW due Tuesday night, where I have to use a graph that I made previously to construct a graph of Marvel characters connected by books that they appear in together. The full graph ended up including some 6,000 characters across 13,000 books, which was a far, far larger graph than I anticipated when I wrote my graphADT originally. Running my original graphADT with only a small subsection of the given dataset took roughly 30 seconds to set up. After exchanging my string arrays with hashmaps from stringNames to Nodes, I was able to process the entire dataset in roughly a twentieth of a second.
Thankfully I designed the system to be easily modifiable, otherwise that would have been rough.